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Amazon Customer –
Bought as a gift, receiver said they are really good
Bob Watts –
The 30 compression makes contact extremely comfortable. I had one of my 4 some who hits long drives try to see how far he would hit a low compression ball . After the first drive he gave up his Callaway ERC balls and I had to give him a sleeve until his came. 3 rounds later and he is totally sold. He is out driving our best player.
jeff craig –
perfect purchase
D. Patelzick –
These will draw and fade. They seem to check fairly well on a green. My swing speed is fairly slow but I seem to strike them well. The white balls stand out in wet grass and overcast conditions. When summer arrives I will try some colors.
Reggie Frank –
Great golf ball for mid to high handicappers. Great price also
kablam –
These balls have good distance, adequate spin, and excellent durability. Superb value!
Amazon Customer –
Love these golf balls,, i shoot about 92, I use pretty much anything from pro v, noodles, wilsons, taylormade, srixon.. And these are up there with the pro v and taylormade for me,, especially in cooler weather
John Levis –
Been using Maxfli soft feel balls for years and like the feel and control they have during impact and flight.
Jean –
Good value for the price. Distance was a sacrifice. Being a white ball, visibility was average. Still it’s a decent ball.