- Gran driver de 460 cc diseñado con tecnología de mejora de juego para mejorar la nueva experiencia de golfista
- Hierros de acero inoxidable 431 profundos con peso perimetral con centro de gravedad muy bajo para una mayor precisión y distancia
- La bolsa de transporte ligera y prémium cuenta con correas de hombro Air Flow ajustables para jugadores adolescentes en crecimiento, asa superior resistente, numerosos bolsillos y soporte autoactivable
- El palo de arena Easy Launch cuenta con un peso muy bajo y suela ancha para un mejor control del greenside y mejores disparos
- Putter con peso de talón/punta con agarre de alineación suave que proporciona una retroalimentación, sensación y precisión superiores
Martha Navas –
Me llegó el juego de palos usado, todos los palos vienen rayados (mas de un solo uso)
Jay J –
I’m a former avid golfer (10-12 rounds per month) but have been out of the game for 10 years.
Now that I have a bit more free time I decided to get back in. I used to have a nice set of clubs but gave them away a few years ago after they sat untouched in the garage. I was looking for a complete set that wouldn’t break the bank. I only plan to play Occasionally and figured I’d start with a decent inexpensive set and see if I stick with it.
I did quite a bit of online research and was about to pull the trigger on some Callaway Stratas which were ranked high by multiple sources. However after reading some reviews here about woods basically falling apart after only a few hits, I started looking at other options.
I decided on this set because Wilson is a trusted name, the reviews were decent and the price was right.
Out of the box the clubs looked good. The bag is not the highest quality but what do you expect for this price. It’s good enough and looks fine. Gets the job done.
I was generally impressed with the aesthetics and build quality of the clubs. The grips could be a little beefier but again, at this price it was just fine.
On the range the day I got them I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to make good solid contact. These are very forgiving clubs great for beginner or someone like me getting back in the game. I feel like I’m getting good distance out of the woods and the irons. Still trying to figure out where the hybrid comes in but I’m working that out. The sand wedge has great loft and on the range I was nailing the pin on the 75 yard target with some consistency.
I’m not hitting the ball as straight as i would like consistently but that’s more about my swing than the clubs.
The only thing I really don’t care for is the putter. The shaft is a bit long for me (I’m 5-8) but I feel all the other clubs are fine in length. I had an old Odessey 2 ball that I carry along so no biggie.
Bottom line: this set is just fine for the beginning or occasional golfer. The clubs are easy to hit and look good. The bag my not last long but can be easily replaced when the need arises.
Lawrence Matthew –
I’m not a good golfer. I have a 27 handicap and reliably shoot about 100. I got tired of renting sets at my winter home so got this set after reading the decent reviews. I normally play Taylor Made m6’s with a stealth driver, Callaway 3w, 4h and 5h, and a couple Jaws wedges. That set new runs about $1,500 today and I just couldn’t justify the cost. Bottom line: These are better than most clubs you’ll rent at most public courses but if you have a good set at home you might feel disappointed. I’d still recommend them, though, because of what you get.
The full set, driver through putter with a sand wedge, 5w, and 5-hybrid, is unique at this price point. You also get a decent bag which isn’t going to get you laughed off the course. They seem well made and I didn’t notice the issues other people had with the bag and grips.
The downside is they’re a bit heavy and hit a bit clunky. After playing 3 full rounds over the last week I found i needed to club up to hit where I normally would. My 7i M6 gets me about 150-160 but with these it’s 130-140. I normally drive about 210-220 but max about 200 here. I don’t see a big difference in putting distance 🙂
I think it’s because their extra weight makes me swing a bit slower. If I try to whale on it it goes everywhere so I’d rather hit short and straight than long and who knows where.
So for a beginner just starting out not wanting to borrow or rent anymore, you should do OK with these. You might want to check out a used club shop and swing a bit just to be sure. But these are probably the best new clubs you can get for less than $400.
Josh –
These are great clubs. I am 6’2” and got the long clubs. Definitely the right choice. I just tried the driver and it easily added 25-40 yards to my drive. The lines make it easy to line up your shot. Overall great value!
After using these for a full year I figured I would update my review.
These are amazing beginner clubs. I have hit some 300 yard drives, had decent spin on the ball with the irons, and noticed improvements in my game through the year. Nothing has broken on me and I play at least once a week from April-October.
I have not used $2000 clubs before and doubt that I ever will to know if there is any significant difference in accuracy or distance with those kind of clubs.
Cody L. –
I’ve always been a Wilson sporting goods fan my first set was Wilson stretch. The shallow cavity backs on the irons and extra oversized club head gives so much forgiveness, the hybrid and wood perform so well and the driver seemed to add +24 yards to my best drive!. The putter, I’ve never been a blade fan but this, this blade putter has extra weight in the head and a slim grip, I’d prefer a flat wide grip but for the sake of pick up and play this is 110% worth a buy. My only negative is that the stand bag didn’t come with a rain cover and the bag doesn’t have too many pockets.
Alejandro –
Para el precio muy bueno cumple
Pablo Simon –
A la tercer semana de usarlos, el Driver se rompió . Los demás si están bien, pero el driver muy pero muy malo.
Scott W –
TL;DR: a great bang for your buck set. Decent construction and East clubs to play, bag is nice too.
Long review version: I am VERY amateur and every set I owned has been hand me down. So, take my review with a grain of salt.
Length: This is my first set for myself, and until now I was unaware extended length clubs were even a thing. I am 6’3” with long arms so I can play either regular or long clubs based on height/ finger to floor measurement. I got the long clubs and it’s a much more comfortable stance for me. I am definitely adjusting to having a longer club but it feels more natural. I almost made par a couple times my first outing with these (usually a triple bogey kind of guy…)
The clubs:
The grips on all clubs are nice. They stick well to the hand and are comfortable.
drivers feel a bit cheap and won’t win any style awards, but they function just fine. Although they will likely be my first replacement down the road, I am very happy with them. I am able to consistently drive just as far with these as I was with Calloway hand me downs. My drive isn’t anything to write home about, but I figure if I’m as consistent with these they’re ok for now.
The 5 hybrid has a HEAVY club head, but it’s easy to swing and shoots true. Because of that heavy head, the ball will take off with good contact. I’m a huge fan of the club.
The irons themselves are pretty well made and again, easy to shoot. Irons were always my weak point but I do pretty well with these, so I like them a lot all through the wedges.
The putter is my favorite. Everyone is finicky about putters so it’s hard to make a call for you, but I think it will be the last thing I replace. It’s got a good weight and feel and is easy to line up.
The bag is nice. It’s light weight, the shoulder straps are airy and comfortable so you won’t get huge sweat marks, and the pockets are big. It’s got the stand, but fits and sits just fine in a cart.
Overall these are a great value. They’re not only a good starter set but the irons make a decent “base” to build your set around (again, in my very amateur opinion).